Hypertension is a disease accompanied by a marked increase in blood pressure. Arterial high blood pressure destroys the blood vessels, they become narrowed and damaged in a short time. The blood vessels cannot withstand the strong blood flow and rupture, causing bleeding. An increase in pressure can be observed in patients of any gender, and the causes of the pathology can be very different. The main causes include genetic factors, heavy alcohol consumption, pregnancy and age-related changes.
Factors provoking the development of the disease
Experts say that any deviation from the norm is unique to each patient. Considering this factor, the causes and symptoms in patients diagnosed with high blood pressure are different and not always pronounced enough. For each patient with this pathology, a specific treatment is selected, and it is impossible to use templates.
What can cause hypertension in a person, and what signs of the disease should be looked out for? The following risk factors are identified that can provoke the development of pathology:
- Extra pounds on the human body often cause high blood pressure. This is due to the fact that the saturation of adipose tissue with blood is a rather complex process. Even gaining a few extra pounds causes increased stress on the blood supply system and can cause disturbances in the functioning of the heart and arterial bed.
- Continuous stay indoors and the lack of fresh air with adequate oxygen content can have a negative effect on human health. Vasodilation makes it possible to compensate for the hypoxic mixture of the lungs, and prolonged stay in poorly ventilated rooms causes the appearance of symptoms of arterial hypertension.
- Another provoking factor, under the influence of which juvenile high blood pressure can occur, is the increase in testosterone in the body. This results in the appearance of signs of the disease and the gradual development of high blood pressure.
- Frequent stressful situations and emotional stress can cause blood pressure to rise. Due to the chronic nature of their course, all organs are in a constant state of tone, which results in wear and tear of blood vessels and a decrease in their elasticity.
- Various injuries and brain damage can provoke the appearance of high blood pressure. They cause a narrowing of the lumen of the canal, and the body must actively fight the resulting hypotension.

In fact, high blood pressure is not only detected in the presence of atherosclerotic changes in the blood vessels. The development of high blood pressure is possible with an increased concentration of cholesterol in the human body, which causes certain difficulties in blood circulation. The fact is that cholesterol plaques are atherosclerosis processes.
Etiology and causes of the disease
In order to prescribe effective treatment, it is important to identify all possible causes of high blood pressure. It is necessary to determine the factors that may cause an increase in pressure later on. The causes of high blood pressure are quite varied and doctors are still studying them today.
The causes of pulmonary hypertension in patients of any gender and age lie in the narrowing of the diameter of small blood vessels. The walls of blood vessels gradually begin to feel the pressure of the blood, the consequence of which is the development of high blood pressure. The etiology of the development of such a disease has not yet been fully investigated by experts. According to many experts, the causes of high blood pressure are disorders of the circulatory system.
In most cases, the causes of high blood pressure cannot be determined, as there can be quite a few of them. At the same time, we can identify the most common causes of pathology that lead to the development of the disease:
- Congenital high blood pressure.Many diseases are inherited, and high blood pressure is no exception. In about half of patients, the cause of high blood pressure lies in heredity. If your parents have high blood pressure, your risk of developing it doubles.
- Poor nutrition.The pathogenesis of the development of vascular diseases can be improper nutrition. Salty foods can cause high blood pressure and disease. It takes some time for the kidneys to remove excess sodium from the body, and until this happens, excess salt retains water. This results in the appearance of edema and an increase in the volume of circulating blood in patients with high blood pressure.
- Smoking.Tobacco contains nicotine, which increases heart rate and blood pressure. Chronic smoking poses a danger to the smoker and the people around him.
- Alcohol abuse. Heavy alcohol consumption and morning hangovers have a negative impact on health and blood pressure. Statistics show that people under the influence of alcohol often suffer various injuries. Alcohol abuse from a young age often causes high blood pressure and many cardiovascular pathologies.
- Many are sufferingweather dependence, that is, they are particularly sensitive to changes in the weather. Even healthy people who exercise little and stay indoors for long periods of time can become weather dependent. Meteorological crises in hypertensive patients mainly develop under unusual climatic conditions.

In the case of arterial hypertension, one of the reasons is physical inactivity, that is, low physical activity. At the same time, active sports can have negative consequences for the body. Overweight patients with cardiovascular diseases should refuse increased physical stress on the body.
High blood pressure occurs in 1/3 of the adult population and is predominantly an independent disease. In all other situations related to arterial hypertension, the causes lie in the progression of human pathologies of other organs and systems, such as the lungs or kidneys.
In medical practice, there is such a thing as secondary hypertension. The main causes of such high blood pressure are:
- renal hypertension develops when the arteries supplying the kidneys are blocked;
- adrenal tumors appear, which causes the production of an increased amount of hormones;
- obesity and metabolic syndrome.
When someone develops high blood pressure, it is accompanied by the development of certain symptoms. It is important to immediately seek advice from a specialist when the first signs of the disease appear, which will allow you to start treatment in time.
At what age can high blood pressure develop and the first signs?
Hypertension can start at a young age, but it is most often detected after the age of 40. During its development, high blood pressure goes through several stages, each of which is accompanied by the appearance of certain symptoms. In the initial stage of the disease, the pressure indicators rise to 140-159 mm Hg. Additionally, signs of high blood pressure may include:
- headache in temples and back of head;
- associated with decreased performance, constant desire to sleep and decreased appetite;
- the appearance of spots in the eyes, and especially with a sudden change in body position;
- attention and memory problems;
- shortness of breath with little physical effort;
- change in the color of the skin of the face.
The first signs of high blood pressure are usually quite mild and disappear after a while. Nevertheless, you should definitely seek advice from a specialist, because high blood pressure can be successfully treated at the beginning of its development.
When arterial hypertension develops, symptoms of the disease may appear, such as nausea, frequent dizziness, bleeding from the nasal cavity and numbness of the fingers. When hypertension reaches its final stage of development, complications such as stroke, heart attack, arrhythmia and cardiac dysfunction may develop.
Characteristics of the development of the disease in men
In women, the development of high blood pressure is less pronounced than in men. This pathological condition is much easier to tolerate and does not cause serious health problems. With the development of high blood pressure in men, the skin of the face becomes bright red already at the initial stage of the development of the pathology.
Why is high blood pressure diagnosed more often in men and not in women? The fact is that representatives of the fairer sex are protected from the development of such pathology by female sex hormones and regular menstrual bleeding. In addition, women pay much more attention to their health than men.
The etiology of arterial hypertension in men is obesity, bad habits, a sedentary lifestyle and stress at work. High blood pressure puts a heavy burden on the male body and causes dangerous complications. Problems such as angina pectoris, heart attack, stroke and kidney pathologies often occur in the stronger sex.
High blood pressure is a serious threat to both men and women of all ages. When the first signs of the disease appear, you should seek medical help, which will help to avoid the development of many complications. In order to successfully treat high blood pressure, it is necessary to determine the symptoms and causes of the pathology as soon as possible and begin to eliminate it immediately.